

千葉県下最大級の夜祭『南房総 白浜海女まつり』

第60回記念開催 南房総 白浜海女まつり×能登半島復興支援イベントまるグル’24in南房総

Great Night Swimming of Woman Divers、Volunteer Participants Wanted!!

60rd Woman Divers Festival × Reconstruction Supporting Event Maruguru
Great Night Swimming of Woman Divers at Minami-Boso Shirahama
Volunteer Participants Wanted!!

It doesn’t matter if you can swim or not!! Why don’t you join us and swim at night?





One of the biggest night festivals in Chiba prefecture, Minami-Boso Woman Divers Festival will be held from July 15th (Sat) to 16th (Mon) collaborating with Reconstruction Supporting Event Maruguru since 2014.
The main part of Woman Divers Festival is the torch light procession by nearly 100 woman divers. Then they start to swim with a prayer for safety and productiveness. Great Night Swimming of Woman Divers is very illusory and romantic.
But as decreasing birthrate and aging population moves ahead, the number of woman divers who join the event is now decreasing. Please support us to maintain the traditional event!!

You can be a woman diver of Shirahama by wearing the traditional clothes of woman divers: Isogi. Enjoy the cosplay of woman divers!! Why don’t you join the night swimming with WHiTE BEACH, the idol group of Minami-Boso? This year’s Woman Divers Festival Great Night Swimming will be held on July 15th (Sat) and 16th (Sun). If you agree with our idea, why don’t you participate in the Great Night Swimming of woman divers as a volunteer?
Experience an amazing time at the beginning of summer by joining the Japanese traditional festival!

●You will get the instruction from the real woman divers at Iso Pool in the afternoon of the festival.
●You will swim with woman divers at the port of Shirahama during the event. Safety is secured.
●If you can’t swim, you can participate in the event as a torchbearer standing around the port.

59rd Woman Divers Festival × Reconstruction Supporting Event Maruguru
【Date of Great Swimming】
2024 July 20th (Sat) / 21th (Sun)
The port in front of the lighthouse of Nojimasaki, Shirahama, Minami-Boso
【Fixed Number】
100 in two days.
Practice at Iso pool near the lighthouse of Nojimasaki from 15:00~16:00/ the event starts around 20:00

【TEL】Minamiboso Tourist Association 0470-28-5307たいまつ

第60回記念 南房総 白浜海女まつり×能登半島復興支援イベントまるグル’24in南房総


第60回記念 南房総 白浜海女まつり

昨年4年ぶりの開催となった『南房総 白浜海女まつり』コラボレーション『復興支援イベントまるグル'24in南房総』は、35,000人の来場で白浜が熱くなりました。今年、海女まつりは60回目の記念すべき開催となり、今一度古き良き時代の頃の海女まつりを思い出し、より多くの人に愛されるお祭りを目指します。是非今年もお越しくださいませ。

時 間:11時00分~21時30分
会 場:南房総白浜野島埼灯台前広場 入場無料



時 間:09時00分~17時00分
会 場:南房総市千倉町・道の駅ちくら潮風王国 入場無料

時 間:11時00分~21時30分
会 場:南房総白浜野島埼灯台前広場 入場無料


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